A starting point for a discussion on marrying Agile methods and CMMI.

Shameless Plug…

Hey… anyone know anyone who wants to take Introduction to CMMI?

I’ll be delivering the class myself for a client, and they have (at this moment) 3-4 spare seats. There will only be 10 people in the class. Nice and intimate with lots of room for personalized attention and Q&A.

Normally, I refer to the Introduction to CMMI as "3 days of wrist-slitting" and *I’m* an instructor!! But that’s only if you’re stuck in a class led by Borg drones. Which — unfortunately as it may be — is a necessary evil of how the materials must be constructed. However, a class led by yours truly… weh-heh-heh-ll… that’s a different story of course!

In any case… the class is in Arlington, VA, May 29-31. You get the instruction, all the course slides and exercises, the "blue" book (CMMI® Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement), continental breakfast, and of course, extra attention from *me*!

The class costs are set by my client at only 1000US$! Which is not only less than SEI and most other places, but considering that the course is BOOKED at SEI through the FALL! It’s quite a deal!

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Register here.
(You pay me, I pay them.)


My professional passion is to build high performance organizations out of companies motivated to be lean, agile, and achieve world-class results. My best clients are companies who have the courage, leadership, insight, foresight and discipline to be the best places to work, the best value to their customers and the best performing for their shareholders. I take a tough love approach and, frankly, have little patience for executives who *want* these things but expect to achieve them without putting in any effort or making any changes.

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