Bill Fox is compiling interviews with leading process improvement experts into quick, hard-hitting bursts of rich information.
The first issues is now available.
(I’m in it.)
Sign up for free and to receive future editions.
Bill Fox is compiling interviews with leading process improvement experts into quick, hard-hitting bursts of rich information.
The first issues is now available.
(I’m in it.)
Sign up for free and to receive future editions.
I often take SWA from BWI
Some people like to keep up with these sorts of things…
I hope to see some of you at one of these events.
I’ll post updates to other events as they are confirmed.
So, by way of my good friend, David Anderson, and the incredibly sharp Israel Gat, I’m now a Senior Consultant at the Cutter Consortium. I’m quite humbled and honored. First that David would consider me worthy of such a recommendation, and then that Israel would consider me as befitting among Cutter’s ranks.
Part of being with the consortium includes providing predictions for the coming year.
More Agile Orgs will Attain Higher Levels of Organizational Maturity
2010 saw the rapid growth of quantitatively-driven performance improvement among organizations serious about getting lean and seeing results. Much of this can be attributed to newer techniques in agile practices such as Kanban for software, and related awareness resulting from these practices.
Organizations getting serious about real, measurable improvement … read more
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